five+ best bandwidth limiter tools for Windows ten/eleven

Milan has been enthusiastic about PCs ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take involvement in all PC-related technologies. Before joining WindowsReport, he worked as a forepart-end web developer. Read more

Posted: May 2021

  • Some programs use more bandwidth, limiting admission for other, more important applications.
  • A bandwidth limiter for Windows 10 and eleven helps control upload and download speeds on your network.
  • A network limiter volition besides testify exactly what apps are more demanding in terms of network data.
  • The best affair almost such software is that it doesn't crave specific knowledge for you lot to utilise them.


Certain applications can sometimes employ more bandwidth than you actually desire and that can be a major problem.

For example, some applications can download updates in the groundwork, and that tin interfere with your gaming sessions.

To help y'all with this trouble, today we're going to show you some of the all-time bandwidth limiter tools for Windows 10.

What is an Internet limiter for Windows 10 and eleven?

Keeping rail of your bandwidth consumption is possible with bandwidth monitor tools, simply sometimes you need to limit your bandwidth.

Certain applications use a lot of your bandwidth, which causes reduced performance while gaming or while watching alive streams online.

If y'all have admin rights to your router, you can endeavor and remediate these issues using the router settings. You tin also use dedicated bandwidth prioritization software to select the exact apps y'all want to allocate more than traffic to.

To gear up this consequence, y'all need to find the application that is using your bandwidth and end it. However, sometimes you demand to continue those applications running in the groundwork, and that can be a trouble.

To fix this, you demand to limit that application'south bandwidth, and to exercise that you'll demand advisable software.

Many bandwidth limiters allow yous to see which applications are currently running on your PC. This allows you lot to select the application and set a bandwidth limit for information technology.

By doing so, you'll near likely fix whatsoever latency bug during online gaming sessions.

Some of these applications even allow you to prepare bandwidth limits on other PCs in your network. This is extremely useful if y'all take a roommate that tends to use most of your bandwidth.

One of the best ways to limit bandwidth on a certain PC is to configure your router's QoS settings. Keep in mind that not all routers back up this option, so you lot might want to check if your router supports QoS.

If yous want to set a bandwidth limit for a certain awarding, yous should definitely apply a special tool.

This software tin can be useful, and today nosotros decided to test some of the all-time bandwidth limiter tools on Windows 10 and eleven.

What are the all-time tools to limit Internet speed on Windows ten and Windows 11?

PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor is the all-time band limiter out there. Actually, we are talking most a very complex solution that also includes customizable band-limiting in every aspect.

For instance, yous can set channel limits and then you to set threshold values and and then trigger notifications when they are exceeded.

You can also use a NetFlow sensor to monitor connections and applications that utilise the most bandwidth.

Although this is a professional tool, the user interface is very like shooting fish in a barrel to control and master with a very high learning curve.

After you lot open the PRTG Network Monitor, you lot can only let the auto-discovery create a set of sensors for your complete network.

Then, you tin easily read the alive data about your network because it's rendered in a friendly representation every bit a graph.

Once you have a consummate picture of bandwidth usage, you lot can enforce limitations, diagnose the consumption, and create reports for your direction teams.

You can either become the PRTG Network Monitor costless version or the paid version with a lot more features .

You lot tin can start testing it for free for thirty days and then decide if you want to purchase the total version or go along with merely the bones features for complimentary.

PRTG Network Monitor

Have control over bandwidth unusual use for all your Windows 10 with this network limiter and bandwidth diagnosis tool.


GlassWire'south network monitor allows you to limit your bandwidth and consult your network activity by your geo-location, awarding, and traffic, using easy-to-read graphs.

You will exist able to come across your computer's traffic 30 days dorsum.

You lot can run across the crusade of a casual spike in your network activeness and try to avert them in the futurity by customizing your bandwidth traffic options as yous see it suitable.

GlassWire alerts y'all about spikes, hosts that are known threats, unexpected network system file changes, ARP spoofs, DNS changes and then y'all can take firsthand activeness.

If you lot are non in front end of your computer, GlassWire allows yous to remotely monitor and block doubtable activity on the computers or servers that you need to accept care of.

Its firewall is a great tool to anticipate network threats and stop them before they tin can damage your arrangement.

GlassWire's firewall helps you notice what current and past servers your PC is communicating with so you tin can get rid of potential threats.


Setup your bandwidth traffic and become nonstop data about your computer and server'due south activity, even when you lot're not in front of your device.


One of the biggest problems in a network, besides malware, of course, is when a user or process is hogging all of the bandwidth, effectively hindering everyone else continued.

NetCrunch has that covered, all cheers to technologies like SNMP, NetFlow, IPFix, sFlow, or jFlow.

First of all, NetCrunch lets you monitor the precise distribution of bandwidth, then that issues tin can exist clearly identified before any deportment are actually taken.

This information is displayed in real-fourth dimension and includes parameters like upload or download, and yous can regulate the usage of bandwidth by limiting the access of sure devices to it or providing more to others.

  • Here are some of the core features of NetCrunch:
  • Monitor bandwidth with traffic flow analytics
  • Monitor network bandwidth on servers
  • Monitor traffic with SNMP and RMON
  • Layer 2 mapping and monitoring
  • Live port traffic monitoring
  • Predefined acme chart views


Monitor the use of your bandwidth within a network and optimize the mode it is used with NetCrunch!


NetLimiter is a bandwidth limiter tool that will limit bandwidth usage on your PC in just ii clicks.

When you start the application, you'll come across the listing of all active applications, similarly to Task Manager.

In the DL Rate and UL Rate columns y'all tin can see how much bandwidth specific application uses.

Using this information you can hands locate problematic applications and limit their bandwidth usage.

To exercise that, simply check the desired pick in DL Limit or in the UL Limit column. In addition, you tin can also see how much download and upload are your applications using in total.

This is particularly useful if you're using a connection with a data limit.

If you're an advanced user, you can also prepare custom filters on your PC and fine-melody all your applications.

NetLimiter is a great awarding for both bones and advanced users alike. Limiting bandwidth speed is simple and y'all can practise that with merely a single click.

You lot tin can use a free version or you can purchase the Pro or Lite version.

Get NetLimiter


The first fourth dimension when you open NetBalancer, you lot'll see the list of all available applications forth with network usage statistics.

In add-on to the list, there's also a alive graph that shows you lot both download and upload.

Using the live graph you tin see which application is using the most bandwidth, and so yous can easily limit it. If you lot want, you tin can interruption the graph at whatever time and examine the data closely.

Regarding the list, it shows you both download and upload rates equally well as total download and upload. To limit sure applications, just double click information technology from the list and you tin can change its download and upload priority.

In improver to priority, you tin can set drop rate and download filibuster besides. You can also quickly set download or upload priority or limit from the carte du jour on the top.

In add-on, in that location'southward a push available that lets you block all network traffic with a single click.

If y'all're an advanced user, you tin likewise create all sorts of custom filters with ease. All deportment are available from the menu on the top so you can quickly alter all of import settings.

This application also has sync support, so yous can easily sync your statistics and settings with other devices.

NetBalancer is a great app for limiting bandwidth, but it comes with a fifteen-day trial.

After the trial catamenia expires, you lot can use this app but to monitor your network traffic. If you desire to limit your traffic, you'll need to purchase a license.

⇒ Go NetBalancer


cFosSpeed is some other bandwidth limiter tool, merely different other tools on our list, information technology does not fix an established limit to your traffic, but information technology would rather shape it continuously.

Later you install cFosSpeed, yous'll go a condition window in the bottom right corner where you lot tin encounter your traffic condition.

We have to admit that the status window looks rather manifestly and a bit confusing to new users.

Fortunately, you lot can click the condition window and it volition open up a new page and explain to you in particular how the status window works.

cFosSpeed comes with a 30-day trial and if you want to proceed using it yous need to purchase a license.

Nosotros have to admit that this application seems a bit complicated with its odd user interface. We weren't able to discover the option to limit upload or download to a specific value, which is likewise a major problem.

cFosSpeed is a complicated application, and if you want to limit your bandwidth, y'all might desire to consider some more user-friendly applications.

⇒ Get cFosSpeed

SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager is another tool that allows you lot to limit your bandwidth usage.

This software is a bit more complicated to apply than others on our list because it requires you lot to enter the accost and connect to it before you can apply it.

Using this tool you lot can create your own rules, merely you tin can besides bear witness important information such as groups or quota managers.

You can as well see the defined schedule or bank check usage report, outcome log, or live usage monitor.

SoftPerfect Bandwidth Director is a smashing tool although a bit complicated for basic users. Unless you're familiar with network configuration and protocols, you might want to consider using a simpler tool.

It comes with a xxx-day trial period, and if y'all want to continue using it, you'll have to purchase the license.

⇒ Get SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

Net Peeker

The first thing that you'll detect when you starting time Net-Peeker is the slightly outdated interface. Despite the interface, this application is filled with all sorts of great features.

As presently as the awarding starts, you'll see the list of running applications along with bandwidth consumption.

From the menu, you can choose to finish the selected program or process, abort all sessions or block the plan completely from accessing the Internet.

Of class, at that place's an option available that allows yous to set upload or download speed for desired applications.

You lot can as well see detailed data such as a list of all bachelor connections for a specific plan. If yous want, y'all tin can also show a live graph or run into alive network packets.

The awarding also has a congenital-in firewall and Organization Baby-sit that you can utilize to protect your system. We have to mention that there are two versions of Net-Peeker available.

The personal version is designed to work only on a single PC. If you lot need to remotely configure multiple PCs in your network, yous might want to try the Grouping version.

Internet-Peeker offers an amazing amount of data and features to the user, and its only flaw is its slightly outdated user interface.

We accept to mention that this application is available as a 30-solar day trial, and if you desire to continue using information technology, you'll have to purchase a license.

⇒ Get Net Peeker

As you probably noticed, nearly bandwidth limiter tools require a license in lodge to run continuously.

We covered some of the most popular bandwidth limiter tools for Windows x, and if we had to pick one, we'd choose PRTG and Glasswire.

Both tools have a similar interface and both are relatively uncomplicated to apply, so they will be perfect for nigh users.

Nosotros too compiled a comprehensive list of our height recommendations for apps that aid you increase your bandwidth. They may go paw in hand with the above-mentioned products and allow you to have a seamless net connexion.

If you have any other suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to leave them in the comments section beneath.